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Open Webmail Help Tutorials >> Importing & Exporting Address Books

You may have an address book that is already stored on your computer, but you don't want to bother creating all the entries within the Open Webmail address book. That is what the Import Tool is for. Click the Import toolbar button ( ) You will then be redirected to the address book importer. This importer is compatible with Outlook Express 5 (or higher), and Netscape Mail 4.x (where "x" is the sub-version). You will need to open your offline e-mail client, and export its address book using a CSV file (Comma Separated Values) or a TXT file (ASCII Text File). These instructions are also given on the Address Book Importer. You will need to export your address book from your offline e-mail client in order to import it to the Open Webmail address book (Please consult the documentation for your offline e-mail client for instructions on exporting its address book). Once you have properly exported your address book in the appropriate file format, you can now import it into the Open Webmail address book. To do this, click "Browse", and open the CSV or TXT file from the location on your computer in which you saved it to, once you have selected the proper file, click "Open". Finally, click "Import", and your address book from your offline e-mail client will now be duplicated to the Open Webmail address book.

You can also perform the exact opposite procedure by exporting your Open Webmail address book to your offline e-mail client. Do this by clicking the "Export Address Book" button ( ). It will redirect you to a page with your address book entries listed in plain text. Use File > Save As... to save the address book. Select Text File (*.txt) for the Save as Type. You can now import these addresses to your offline e-mail client. see the documentation of your offline e-mail client for instructions on importing address books from text files.

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